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List of Hindu Temples In Krishna District

Famous Temple in Krishna District , Andhra Pradesh.
Vijayawada Kanaka Durga Temple.
Narashimha Swamy Temple,Vedadri.
Sri Rukmini Satyabhamasametha Sri Venugopala Swamy Temple,Hamsaladeevi.
Venkateswara Swamy Temple, thirumalagiri.
Tirupatamma Temple,Penuganchiprolu.
Subramanya Swamy Temple, Singarayapalem.
Venugopala Swamy Temple,Nemali.
Jaladheeswara Swamy Temple, Gantashala.
Panduranga Swamy Temple,Machilipatanam.
Veera Raghava Swamy Temple,Gopalapuram.
Maha Vishnu Temple, Srikakulam Village.

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