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Konark Sun Temple Information

" Its a historical place famous for its architecture. Konark name derives by Sanskrit word kona means angel & Arka means sun. The temple established by the king Raja Narshingha deva in the year 1253. The temple also called black pagoda.

It is great architecture of India.India is being lighten by the ray of konark sun since its creation.Its a 800 years old temple and its a place where first sun raise falls in this place of India that's why it's called sun temple. One should visit and know the history of this place.
I spent my valuable four years of engineering near this place. I love this place because it gave me lots of happiness through its charismatic Beauty and greenery.

People can easily reach this place from puri through government bus , taxi, auto etc. You can stay here for long time because hotels, Lodge, restaurant and kirana stores availability for 24 hours.
Jay Jagannath " - B. K. Gajendra
Sun Temple Timings:
Morning : 6 am to 8 pm
Konark Sun Temple Address:
Konarak, Odisha
Click Here: Update Temple pics
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