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Ticket Cost of Kedharnath and Chardham Yatra By Helicopter | Tours and Travels Chardham Yatra

"Ticket cost of Kedarnath Yatra and Chardham Yatra by helicopter-2018"

1: Phata –Kedarnath -Phata: Rs. 8400 (inclusive of taxes) Per Passenger (Base Location May Change as per Helicopter Service Provider) - May month full

2: Dehradun - Chardham - Dehradun: Rs. 160000 (inclusive of taxes) per passenger

3: Dehradun –Kedarnath - Dehradun: Rs. 300000 (inclusive of taxes) for Five Passenger

4: Dehradun - Kedarnath - Badrinath -Dehradun: Rs. 400000 (inclusive of taxes) for Five Passenger

Contact Details : 8826366174
Keywords :
Chardham Yatra, Chardham Yatra Tour Package , Kedarnath Yatra tour Package details, Dehradun Chardham , Chardham Yatra By Helicopter Tour Details and price, How to reach Chardham, 2018 tour details, Chardham yatra price and package details, India Tour. 
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