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Accommodation in Sri Varasidhi Vinayaka Swamy Temple Kanipakam

Sri Varasidhi Vinayaka Temple Online Accommodation

Rooms over Samuhika kalayana Mandapam :
Number Of Rooms : 32
Room Rent : 200/-

Rooms over Maragadambika Kalyana Mandapam :
Number Of Rooms : 9
Room Rent : 300/-
100 Rooms Choultry :
A.C.Deluxe Rooms : 20
Room Rent : 600
Non AC Deluxe Room : 66
Room Rent : 300

Master Suit Rooms A/c : 8
Room Rent : 1200
Non A/c Rooms : 44
Room Rent : 400

Contact :
Sri Varasiddi Vinyaka Swamy Vari Devasthanam,
Kanipakam -517131
Irala Mandal,Chittoor Dist,
Andhra Pradesh.
Office: 08573281540
Enquiry: 08573281747
Fax: 08573281747

Click Here :  
Kanipakam Varasidhi Vinayaka Temple Guide

Ardhagiri Sree veeranjaneya Swamy Temple

List Of Hindhu Temples Chittoor District

Golden Temple Sripuram Information

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  1. Sai Baba has always believed that education is an effective tool for transformation.

  2. Sai Baba has always believed that education is an effective tool for transformation.

    madhusudan naidu

  3. Sai Baba has always believed that education is an effective tool for transformation.

    madhusudan naidu

    madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

  4. Many schools have been established under the enlightenment of Swami to help children understand human values along with attaining academic excellence.

    madhusudan naidu

  5. Sai Baba has always believed that education is an effective tool for transformation. Many schools have been established under the enlightenment of Swami to help children understand human values along with attaining academic excellence

    madhusudan naidu muddenahalli

  6. Even in his subtle form, Swami continues to touch the hearts of the indigent people through the initiatives undertaken by His ardent devotees.

    madhusudan naidu muddenahalli


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