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Are you going Tirumala without darshan tickets? Then You Must Know TTD new Rules

Om Namah Venkateshaya. Welcome to the Hindu Temples Guide

Traveling to Tirupati Devasthanam:

By Road:

From Major Cities: Tirupati is well-connected by road to major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad. National Highways NH4 and NH18 provide smooth connectivity.

Private Vehicles: Travelers can opt for personal or rental cars. The journey offers picturesque views and typically takes around 3-4 hours from Chennai and Bangalore, and 8-9 hours from Hyderabad.

By Air:

Nearest Airport: Tirupati Airport (TIR), located around 15 km  from the city center, offers domestic flights from major cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, and Bangalore.

From the Airport to Tirupati: Taxis, auto-rickshaws, and app-based cab services are available for transport to Tirupati city center.

By Railway:

Tirupati Railway Station: Situated in the heart of the city, Tirupati Railway Station is well-connected to major cities across India, including Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Mumbai. 

Getting to Tirumala from Tirupati:

From Tirupati Railway Station:

By Road: Buses, taxis, and auto-rickshaws are readily available from Tirupati Railway Station to Tirumala. The journey takes approximately 1-1.5 hours.

From Tirupati Airport:

By Road: Similar to the railway station, travelers can hire taxis or use app-based cab services to reach Tirumala. The distance is around 40 km, and the journey takes approximately 1.5 hours.

From Tirupati Bus Stand:

By Road: Buses and shared taxis operate regularly between Tirupati BusStand and Tirumala. The journey takes approximately 1-1.5 hours.

Obtaining Darshan Tickets:

Online Booking: Darshan tickets can be booked online through the official TTD website. Advance booking is recommended due to high demand.

Offline Booking: Tickets can also be purchased at various TTD counters in Tirupati and Tirumala. Arrive early to avoid long queues.

We'll explore the concept of complimentary darshan (free viewing of the deity) and gain insights into the various ticketing options offered by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) every month.

1) Lucky Draw Tickets:

Known as the Arjitha Seva Electronic Dip, these tickets encompass revered rituals such as Suprabhatham, Thomala, Archana, and AstadalaPada Padmaradhana. Participation involves registering names for a lucky draw, with successful applicants required to make the prescribed payment.

2) Arjitha Seva Tickets: These tickets are available for direct booking upon release, without the need for a draw. Allocation is on a first-come-first-served basis. Arjitha Seva includes four distinct services: Kalyanotsavam, Unjal Seva, Arjitha Brahmotsavam, and Sahasra Deepalankara Seva.

3) Anga Pradakshina ( Online Booking Free of cost )

4) Tickets for Senior Citizen and Physically Challenged Persons

5) Rs. 300 Darshan Tickets

6) Accommodation Facilities

These tickets follow a structured release pattern and are accessible for booking up to three months in advance.

Free darshan encompasses Two categories: Sarva Darshan  and Divya Darshan (Steps Way Tickets). Sarva Darshan tickets are obtainable from the Tirumala counters.

Where are Sarva Darshan tickets available?

1) Vishnu Nivasam:: - Opposite the railway station

2) Srinivasam - Near the bus stand

3) Bhudevi Complex, (Alipiri Metla Marg) - For pilgrims following this route

4) Sri Vari Mettu, Sri Vari Metla Marg - Tickets available mid-route along Steps

What are the timings for ticket availability?

Counters open daily at 3 a.m. and operate until tickets are sold out, with intermittent closures.

Until what time are darshan tickets issued?

Tickets are available until sold out. Early arrival, preferably before 5 a.m., increases the likelihood of obtaining tickets. Limited tickets may still be available at 7 a.m., but availability is subject to cancellations.

Can I have Darshan on the same day if I get a ticket today?

Darshan is scheduled for the following day's time slot, typically commencing at 3 a.m. However, the exact timing may vary due to cancellations.

Do they allow entry into the line before the designated time slot?

Entry typically begins a few hours before the scheduled darshan time, with officials managing the queue.

How should I procure tickets? Do all members need to stand in line?

Presentation of Aadhar cards is mandatory for ticket procurement, eliminating the need for cash transactions. Every attendee must register with their Aadhar card.

Srivari Mettu Timings : 6am - 6pm

Alipiri Mettu Timings : 4am - 10pm 

Reaching Tirumala on Foot:

Alipiri Metla Marg: This pedestrian path starts from Alipiri and covers a distance of approximately 11 km to reach Tirumala. Pilgrims can undertake this sacred journey by foot, known as Alipiri Mettu Path.

Sri Vari Mettu Path: Another footpath, known as Sri Vari Mettu, starts near Sri Vari Temple in Tirupati and spans around 2.1 km. This path is shorter but steeper compared to Alipiri Mettu.

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