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Tirumala Free Darshan Counters List Update Darshan Rules

Tirumala Free Darshan Rules

👉Where are Sarvadarshanam tickets given?

1) Vishnu Niwasam It is opposite to the railway station 2) Srinivasam It is near the bus stand. 3) Bhudevi Complex 4) At the Entrance Of Srivari Metlu

👉From what time will Tickets be given?

Counters are opened at 3 o'clock every day. The counter is closed until the tickets are sold out and reopened the next day.

👉Till what time will the darshan tickets be given?

The tickets are given until they are Finished. Each day is different. Those who go before 5 am have more chances to get tickets. Once they stay up to 7 am also.It is not possible to say how long it depends on queue.

👉If I take the darshan ticket today, will I get darshan today?

The darshan tickets are given on that day but the darshan time is given till 3am the next day. To give you an idea, if I take a ticket at 5 am on Tuesday, the ticket says 3 am on Wednesday. So it cannot be said that Darshan will happen on the same day.

👉How many hours before the darshan slot is sent to the line?

If there is a 3am darshan as I said above, I thought let's go to the line at 10 o'clock on Tuesday night. The officials there said your time is 3 o'clock and we will send you after 12 o'clock. It varies depending on the Queue so you will only know if you go near the line. It cannot be said.

👉What to bring for tickets? Should everyone stand in line?

We have to show aadhaar card, these are free darshan tickets so money is not required,  one has to stand holding their aadhaar card to get tickets.

👉Both have different time slots, can they go together?

If you can go then the times should not be too far, you should not go before your time but you can go late. However, ask once above if there is no rush, they will send it.

👉Tell me the timings of Alipiri stairway?

Alipiri remains open from 3 am to 10 pm.

👉Srivari Stairway Timings?

From 6 am to 6 pm

👉Is there anything to put luggage in the stairwell? Do you want to carry bags?

Devasthanam luggage counters are located near Alipiri and near Srivari Stairway. If you give your bags, they will bring you up the hill. This is a free service.

👉Are there tiffins near the steps of Srivari?

The local people are bringing and selling, not in the middle of the stairs but before climbing the stairs.

👉How to go Srivari stairs?

There are free buses from Tirupati railway station to Devasthanam and local autos are also available.

If you have any doubts, send a WhatsApp message to 8247325819

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